Building on the success of the Krakow Jewish Heritage Conference, the Foundation assembled a consortium of organisations from 5 countries that applied successfully for EU funding to create a network of Jewish heritage towns across Europe in order to share issues, models, best practice etc.
The Foundation joined the 4 partners from Poland, Italy, Germany and Spain, the hosts, to hold the first face to face meeting to plan the programme over the 2 years of the funding.
A range of issues were resolved including the name – Moreshet, which is Hebrew for heritage. The project core will be the running of 5 seminars with each partner responsible for one.
The topics covered included:
young people and their engagement in cultural heritage, including the role of education and culture in promoting a more tolerant society
community engagement, including recognising the diversity of contemporary society
intangible heritage - preservation, interpretation and celebration of non-physical heritage
adaptive reuse of former Jewish heritage buildings
tourism in relation to the Jewish heritage
As part of our meetings, various guests joined us including academics and representatives of the Aragon regional government cultural section who have been dealing with Sephardi heritage in the region.
There was extensive Spanish media coverage of our meetings, for example