The Foundation for Jewish Heritage is incredibly grateful to the following individuals and organisations who have supported our work through their generous financial contribution.
Partner in Heritage Preservation
Muriel and Gershon Coren Charitable Foundation
Graham Edwards
European Union
The Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation
Government of Wales
Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, GRoW @ Annenberg
Thomas S Kaplan and Daphne Recanti Kaplan family
Philip King Charitable Trust
Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Charitable Trust
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
National Lottery Heritage Fund
The Pilgrim Trust
The Polonsky Foundation
Roden family
The Salamanca Foundation
Vindobona Stiftung
Jonathan Symons (z’’l)
Guardian of Heritage
David & Kate Bearman
Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union
J Isaacs Charitable Trust
Cecil Kaplinsky
Rosemarie Nathanson Charitable Trust
Elizabeth & Daniel Peltz OBE
Daniel Seal
The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation
Heritage Custodian
Joan & Robin Alvarez
Architectural Heritage Fund
Julian Bloom
Bernard Howard
Ezra Mehlman
Steven Parnes
Cecil Rosen Foundation
Sir Simon Schama CBE
Heritage Champion
Julian Bloom
Chesterhill Charitable Trust Limited
Chris Clifford
Hildegard Coffey
The Davis Family Charitable Foundation
Esterson Charitable Trust
Beri Goldenberg​
Jewish Joint Burial Society
The Jigsaw Network
Natasha Kaplinsky OBE
Raphael & Catherine Kaplinsky
Simon & Deborah Kaplinsky
Ralph Levy Charitable Company Ltd
James Lieber
The Phillips family
Rosetrees Trust
Paul Sassieni
Scott Saunders
Karen & Mark Smith
Derek Spitz
Nicholas Springer
Taube Philanthropies