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Joe (z’’l) & Hadassah Lieberman

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman (z’’l)

Senior Counsel at the law firm of Kasowitz, Benson, Torres, and Friedman in New York, Joseph I. Lieberman was for 24 years a member of the U.S. Senate from Connecticut.

At the end of his service in January 2013, he was Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and a senior member of the Armed Services Committee. Through both Committee positions, he became a leader in protecting the security of the American people and supporting American international leadership.

Senator Lieberman is known as a national leader who works across party lines to get things done and who speaks his conscience regardless of the political consequences.

Before his election to the Senate in 1988, Senator Lieberman served 10 years in the Connecticut State Senate and 6 years as Connecticut's Attorney General. In 2000 he was the Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States.

Hadassah Lieberman

Hadassah Freilich Lieberman has dedicated much of her life’s work to health issues, assisting nonprofit organizations, improving educational standards, and promoting international understanding. Her focus on global women’s health issues has reinforced her belief that health diplomacy is of utmost importance; and that prevention and treatment of women’s health problems builds a natural commonality. Her international focus has included microfinance projects which are improving the social status of women as they alleviate poverty.

Most recently, Mrs. Lieberman left Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists. As a Global Ambassador with Komen for the Cure’s Global Initiative for Breast Cancer, she worked to create sustainable breast cancer outreach and education programs around the world.

Domestically, she developed an Advisory Network for Women’s Health, promoting awareness and prevention of heart disease. She directed HFL & Associates, an independent consulting firm dedicated to expanding domestic and international awareness of non-profit organizations; developed a series of national conferences on health-related issues at APCO Associates; worked to link American business and industry to world class standards in mathematics and science at the National Research Council; launched an $11 million health care campaign for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals; developed a public affairs department at Hoffmann-La Roche; and worked as a research analyst at Lehman Brothers.

She currently is on the board of the Open University. Mrs. Lieberman also has devoted considerable time and energy to community service, which has included Best Friends, a youth development and character building program for teenage girls; Meridian House, a nonprofit educational institution that promotes international understanding; and the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation, which memorializes victims of the Holocaust. She recently completed ten years as a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. She was a member of the United States delegation to the commemoration ceremonies marking the liberation of Auschwitz and has participated in international forums on environmental and socioeconomic issues in Eastern Europe. She also has chaired the annual Ambassadors Ball, sponsored by the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Hadassah Lieberman was born in Prague, Czech Republic. She left Eastern Europe in 1949, with her family and moved to Gardner, Massachusetts where she grew up. Mrs. Lieberman graduated from Boston University with a degree in Government and Dramatics. She received a Masters degree in international relations and American government from Northeastern University.

Senator Lieberman and Mrs. Lieberman have four children and ten grandchildren.

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