Moreshet: Network of Jewish Heritage Cities
The Foundation convened an international consortium, including representation from Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain, to successfully bid for European Union funding, creating a network of cities and towns throughout Europe that contain significant Jewish heritage. The network, called Moreshet, is collectively examining models, examples of best practice and addressing a range of issues relating to how Jewish heritage is being managed and presented.
A summary of its activities can be downloaded here and discover more at https://moreshet.eu
The project is funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens".
Council of Europe Jewish Heritage Report
The Foundation was appointed the expert body to guide a research initiative undertaken by the Council of Europe to examine the state of Jewish heritage in Europe today. The final Report, which was approved by the Council’s Parliamentary Assembly, makes a number of important observations and recommendations for Member States to consider.
You can view the Report here.
European Year of Cultural Heritage
The Conference ‘Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence’ – a joint initiative of the Foundation for Jewish Heritage and the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage of the University of Birmingham - took place in Krakow Poland in 2018 as part of European Union’s European Year of Cultural Heritage initiative.
The Conference attracted 150 participants from 33 countries and considered a range of issues, challenges and achievements in the recognition, preservation, and presentation of Jewish heritage.
Visit the Conference website for more details.