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Preserving the Past

Shaping the Future

Preserving the Past

Shaping the Future

The Mission


The Foundation for Jewish Heritage works internationally to ensure that important Jewish architectural sites, monuments and places of cultural significance in danger are preserved and re-imagined for a sustainable future. 



The Challenge


Sites of Jewish heritage are repositories of Jewish life, art and customs with many unique and beautifully constructed buildings displaying real architectural and artistic achievement.


For the Jewish people with traditions built on memory, such places give meaning to the Jewish present and future, strengthening awareness and connection. They are also testimony to the remarkable Jewish contribution to world civilization; powerful visual tools for education on Judaism, Jewish history and culture promoting understanding, respect and dialogue, impacting on the moral direction of society as a whole.


However, the Jewish people no longer live where they had lived. The story of the 20th century is one of transitions, including massive, and often tragic, population loss and displacement. Without a community of users, a vast and ancient Jewish cultural heritage has been under attack in many parts of the world through neglect, natural forces, and human actions – and today is in crisis.




The Approach


The Foundation for Jewish Heritage seeks to preserve Jewish heritage through:


Research – creating an inventory of Jewish heritage sites, and identifying those at risk


Advocacy – making the case for Jewish cultural heritage and promoting interest in specific sites


Expertise – providing professional advice and guidance to create sustainable solutions for vulnerable sites working with local partners, while nurturing expertise in Jewish heritage preservation


Resources – securing funding for Jewish heritage sites at risk to ensure these are preserved, given a contemporary purpose, and saved for the future.

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Support Us

Contact Us

If you would like more information, or would like to play a role in the vital cause of safeguarding Jewish heritage, please contact the Foundation.


Michael Mail, Chief Executive


m: +44 7968 529609


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The Foundation for Jewish Heritage is a UK Registered Charity No 1162111

© 2024 Foundation for Jewish Heritage 

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